Our offer

Trade credit

One of the available business arrangements is trade credit. We recommend it to clients seeking to purchase our liquid fuels (Pb95, Pb98, ON, LPG or EKOTERM fuel oil) with deferred payment dates. The prerequisite for obtaining trade credit is the entry into a trade contract.

The following are necessary to conclude a trade contract:

  • licence to trade in liquid fuels issued by the Energy Regulatory Office, and in the case of business clients purchasing fuel for their own needs,
  • relevant statement,
  • excerpt from the business register or certificate of entry in the register of sole traders,
  • decision to assign NIP (Tax Identification Number),
  • certificate of REGON (Industry Identification Number),
  • certificate from the Social Insurance Institution and Tax Office on the absence of payment arrears,
  • financial statements for the last two years and financial statements for the current year (interim).

Trade credit security in the form of:

  • blank promissory note,
  • bank or insurance guarantee,
  • mortgage over real property,
  • security deposit,
  • registered pledge,

Some of the documents are available in the ‘forms’ section of the ‘documents and certificates’ page.

The set of documents listed above must be delivered to ORLEN Paliwa sp. z o.o., at ul. Zglenickiego 44, 09-411 Płock, Poland, or by contacting our sales team, who will collect the documents from you.

As soon as the documents are verified, our sales team will contact you to enter into a trade contract and commence cooperation.