About us

Trusted partner in business

As an integral part of the multi-utility group, we are the market leader in fuel wholesale. Our business clients are offered a full range of prime quality fuels and energy carriers: Eurosuper 95 and Super Plus 98 unleaded gasolines, Ekodiesel ULTRA diesel oil, automotive liquefied petroleum gas (autogas), Ekoterm fuel oil, LPG and electricity.

We have our own LPG storage facilities and access to Poland’s largest network of fuel depots. We supply fuel products to thousands of customers across Poland, offering superior service quality in transport and logistics. The quality of products we sell is ensured through continuous monitoring of the distribution chain.

About us

Our values

As a member of the ORLEN Group, we have adopted clear and practical rules of conduct. We organize our activities and employee relations based on the best legal and business practices.

About us

Code of Ethics

The ORLEN Group Code of Ethics is a set of current, clear and practical rules of conduct that set ethical standards applicable to all ORLEN Group employees.

ORLEN Paliwa in figures


LPG Terminals


including a marine terminal in Szczecin


Fuel Depots


across Poland


Regional Sales Offices


in Płock, Poznań and Widełka



fuel stations covered by the BAQ Fuels Programme


at Mini BAQ, BAQ Standard or BAQ Premium levels


Authorised Distributors of Ekoterm Fuel


ensuring countrywide coverage




including professional engineers, drivers, office workers and many top-class specialists